Terry Zawacki Is Coming to Campus

Nationally recognized Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) expert Terry Zawacki will be visiting MU on Wednesday morning, 1/27.   This is our chance to run ideas by an expert.

Terry Zawacki directs the WAC program at GMU and edits the Writing Fellows Programs section of the WAC Clearinghouse.

She’ll be presenting at the faculty conversation/lunch before Faculty Council.  She’s titling her talk  “The Role of Writing in Learning: What the Research Shows and Strategies for Using Writing to Forward Learning Goals.”

We’ve also scheduled her for two informal discussions in the morning:

9:30-10:20 am, Ballston 507:  “Managing Collaborative Writing Projects” and other topics of interest

10:30-11:25 am, Rowley 222:  “What is Writing?  Assignments in Traditional and New Media”

Please join us for any or all of her half-day visit!